Embraer have brought their next generation narrowbody on an Australian tour, stopping in Brisbane and Sydney. The E195-E2 arrived into Brisbane on the 22nd of July from Port Moresby after touring much of Japan and the Philippines.

The next iteration of the E195 boasts a 25% reduction in fuel burn from the first generation E195 and 10% better than its direct competition, mainly due to the new Pratt & Whitney PW1000G Geared Turbofan engine. With the new engines and a better aero package, the E195-E2 has the ability to operate from shorter airfields and has improved hot and high performance.

While in BNE, Embraer operated one 70 minute flight with invited guests up to the northern end of Fraser Island, before heading back to BNE. While onboard I must say I was surprised with how quiet the aircraft is, even while starting up and then again under full power.

Following triple certification earlier this year, the E195-E2 will enter service in the second half of 2019 with Brazilian carrier Azul. In Europe, Binter Canarias of Spain will receive its first E195-E2 later this year and the launch customer in Africa, Air Peace, will introduce the first of ten E195-E2 jets in 2020.
In the Asia-Pacific region, we will see our first E195-E2 hit Australian shores later in 2019 with Air Kiribati operating Tarawa (TWR) – Brisbane (BNE) with a one hour stop over in Honiara (HIR). The flight departs TWR at 10am and arrives into BNE at 3pm on a Wednesday. The aircraft overnights before heading back to TWR at 11am for an 8pm arrival. The E195-E2 will be replacing the current Solomon Airlines A320 that operates this flight on behalf of Air Kiribati.